
WCF RIA Services support for EF 4.1 and Snippets

WCF RIA Services now has support for EF 4.1. Varun Puranik and Jeff Handley have details on their blogs about how to use it.

One of the really interesting things Varun provides is a snippet to help setup the DbDomainService since the Wizard will not be available until SP2 is released. After using the snippet I am not sure what we all did without it.

To help make it even better, I have made my own modifications and, since Varun released the original under MS-PL, I am adding the snippets to RIA Services Contrib. For now they are available at the bottom of this post.

I actually have six different snippets for both VB and CS covering both DbDomainService and LinqToEntitiesDomainService.

The six snippets are:

  • dbcrud : Code snippet for DbDomainService CRUD Methods
  • dbcrudt : Code snippet for DbDomainService CRUD Methods With Timestamp
  • dbnu : Code snippet for a DbDomainService Named Update Method
  • ltecrud : Code snippet for LinqToEntitiesDomainService CRUD Methods
  • ltecrudt : Code snippet for LinqToEntitiesDomainService CRUD Methods With Timestamp
  • ltenu : Code snippet for a LinqToEntitiesDomainService Named Update Method

RiaServicesContribSnippets.zip (3.78 kb) 


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